Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sexy: \'sek-se\, adjective: generally attractive or interesting

What is the definition of sexy? Some consider having a super hot body to be the epitome of sexy (even though super-hot can be left up for interpretation as well). Some think it's a person's charisma. Since I can't speak for everyone (and this is my blog), sexy is a look, a feeling, and an impression one gives off. We've all had moments when we didn't "feel" sexy, but for some reason, everyone in the supermarket was tryin' to holla!

Which leads me to wonder, is “sexy” something made-up? It’s not a one-size fits all description. What some may consider sexy, others may consider repulsive. We’ve all met those guys who say “I love me some big girls,” and we all know those guys where anything over a size 2 is wayyyyy too fat!

Being someone who’s always struggled with her self-esteem and self-image for as long as she can remember, I’ve always wanted to be considered “sexy” by the opposite sex. Even when I began doing comedy, I wondered how one could be sexy & funny – the 2 just don’t go together – but I’m figuring out how to make it work. The younger Ayanna always believed sexy would be achieved by being a perfect size 6 and wearing all the right clothes and always having your hair done and nails done and rockin’ the latest shoes, etc – you guys get the point. However, as I get older, I realize those things play a small part in the “sexy-factor” – 15% tops.

At the tender age of 27, as my maternal clock is a tickin’, my womb is ready (but not willing), I have a mortgage, and my student loans have really kicked in, my definition of sexy in a man has changed COMPLETELY!! I’m more realistic (or at least I think) with what I expect a man to have. My base rule, you need to have (or have a plan and are in the execution phase) what I have. I have a house, you need a house (or condo, or apartment with plans in the working of owning something soon) – I’m not screwing you in your Mama’s basement. In addition, grown men with roommates! Errrr! Fellas – there reaches a certain age where living in a phrat-like setting (skee-wee to all my Sorors) is not sexy at all! I have an education; I’d like you to have an education, or a CAREER that is upwardly mobile. I have no kids, I would prefer a man with no kids (I want to be spoiled and I can’t if you have someone(s) depending on you). I don’t want baby-mama drama, nor do I want to have to deal with whatever “situation” you’re in. “It’s complicated” is not sexy! “It’s complicated” or “what-had-happened-was” or “well, right now” (cause y’all know whenever someone begins to answer a question with “well right now” there’s nothing but bull-crap following) makes me dry up like the Sahara!

This is nothing but a very bare-bones description/view of my definition of sexy. I would love for you guys to give me yours. Also, shout out to my bestest sista-gyrlfriend Allison Banks for the topic idea (she told me I better shout her out – love ya girl!).

Let the “bitchin” begin!!

1 comment:

  1. sexy is one of those words that people throw out there to boost self esteem and then its critiqued off what everyone else's percepetion of sexy...its sad we live in world that is influenced by others narrow minded are sexy to me and I dont need to explain why or how...I just like what I see when I see be sexy mama...and lets keep it Atlantic Ocean and not Sahara desert


Bitch, please! Translation: bitch, comment, complain, voice your take.