Monday, April 13, 2009

Americans Against Obama - WTF?!

Okay – I must be seriously late, because I was amazed when I saw this link on CNN under blogs regarding the hostage/pirate situation. I usually don’t do material on politics, but I felt compelled to discuss this one.

First off, am I the only one who finds it hilarious that we are seriously using the term “pirate” in 2009? I don’t think the hostage situation is funny in the least bit, but I just feel that we could have came up with a different name for these Somalians who boat-jacked the US ship. Maybe boatknappers – that would have been more appropriate. Because, when I think of pirates, I think peg legs, parrots, treasure chests with booty, swords, and dirty men with tattered clothes and big hats screaming “aaarrrgh!” – not a bunch of Somalians with machetes on a life boat. I admit to not knowing all of the details of the situation, however, I do wonder, how does one get boatjacked? I mean, I understand carjacking and how that happens – I live in Baltimore. You’re at a stop light, some crazy looking guy with a big gun rolls up on the driver side, threatens you (“brace yo’self fool!”), and takes your whip! But, there aren’t any red lights in the sea for you ever to need to stop. And not to be racist, but if I see a bunch of crazy looking black men with sheets covering their mouths with machetes and guns, and I’m in a bigger boat….shhhiiiittttt – full speed ahead biatches!

So, back to the title of this blog – this crazy website. Somebody took it upon themselves to create a website called “Americans Against Obama.” That’s deep. I don’t think I could ever have that much hate for anybody or thing that would warrant me creating a website against that person and constantly writing about why I hate them. In the article regarding the pirate situation they stated Obama was too busy picking out a puppy to worry about American’s lives. One of the comments even referred to someone as an Obama-bot. Crazy. I am an Obama supporter, and am excited with his presidency. I guess I’m just in awe of the amount of hatred folks can harbor inside of them.

Feel free to begin the “bitchin.”

1 comment:

  1. Okay, here's my thing he is not the only leader who had to encounter these so called "pirates" (honestly I think that is just the media coming up with a fancy name for criminals). Recently France had their own hostage situation, where the mission wasn't as successful resulting in the death of the hostage. Obama wasn't being vocal about it because come on now, would you really want to inform people that you're going to kill the the Jack Sparrow and his crew? The person who has so much hate for Obama needs to go chill out with their fellow conservatives. Majority of the conservatives are those who are still forcing down their slice of humble pie because the country is being controlled by someone who isn't going by the book (letting those with the money run the show).


Bitch, please! Translation: bitch, comment, complain, voice your take.